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T-Shirt Connection

4.1 ( 4381 ratings )
Knihy Katalogy
Vývojář: Serkan Kosemek

The major impulsion of creating the “T-Connection Graphic” graphical design book is not only the lacking expression of Turkish Textile Industry in the Global market- even though its role as an important player in World Textile market, establishment of a situated design philosophy and having an attested taste - but also because its failure in breaking the label of being poor in design and production despite the fact that making qualified fabrication; for the last I can say that the lacking effort of the friends that do design in Turkish Textile Industry, to do anything like this.
When we examine the Local and Global Market of the printed and published reference books, we see that actually these books are also works compiled by an editor. To sum up the logic of these books, an invitation is made by the Editor to the designers and within a call their early works or new works they will prepare are requested. In addition to this, small presentation writings, where they tell about themselves, and contact information are requested. After all this collection process, all the works compiled by the editor are published as a whole in the name of a compile book. Section to section, there are information written about the designer and it is emphasized that all the rights of the designs belong to the designer himself.
What differentiates the T-Connection most, as a reference book, than the other works is because it is prepared by only one designer. There are 15 themes, which are worked independent of each other. Every theme is 10 pages total and have an independent structure. Its feature of being constructed on the theme concept is the next series impulsion and the next work will also be of 15 themes.
These kinds of reference books, which have an important place for workers of Design Department, are imported from foreign countries and sold accordingly. They have high prices and are hard to get so these features makes these books more valuable and unique. These works are wanted not only because they gather works of different designers but also they deliver various different perspectives.
We came across a wide and colorful channel from Fashion Industry to architecture, from students to the people interested in graphics when we thought who will be interested in the book T-Connection. The selected themes are not chosen by only thinking of present, they are topics which will maintain interest. Especially the design departments of the firms from garment industry will surely want to keep this book in their libraries. As being a unique reference book, this feature of being unique is a conclusive proof that it will also took interest in foreign countries.